BALL Family
man Thomas BALL‏‎, son of Nathaniel BALL and Mary BROOKS‏.
Born ‎02 Feb 1693 Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, died ‎1734 Killed in Brookfield, Fairfield Co., CT‎, 40 or 41 years
Thomas Ball's will
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Ball of Bolton in the County of Worcester in New England Yeoman[.] Being through the abundant Mercy and Goodness of God of a sound and perfect Understanding and Memory[,] do constitute this my last Will and Testament
and desirest may be received by all as such. Imprimis[,] I most humbly bequeath my Soul to God my Maker, beseeching his most gracious Acceptance of it through the all sufficient Merits and Mediation of my most Compassionate Redeemer Jesus Christ who
gave himself to be an Atonement for my Sins, and is able to Save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him[,] seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them, and who, I trust[,] will not reject me[,] a returning penitent sinner, when I come
to him for Mercy in this Hope and Confidence[,] I render up my Soul with Comfort, humbly beseeching the blessed and glorious Trinity[,] one God[,] most holy most mercifull and gracious to prepare me for the Time of my Dissolution, and then to take me
to himself into that Peace and Rest and incomp[a]rable Felicity which he has prepard for all that love and fear his holy Name. Amen blessed be God. Imprimis. I give my Body to the Earth from [which] it was taken in full Assurance of its Resurrection
from thence at the Last Day. As for my Burial, I Desire it may be decent at the Discretion of my Beloved Wife and my Executor hereafter name who, I Doubt not will manage it with all requisite Prudence. As to my worldly Estate, I will and
possitively[sic] order that all my Debts be paid. Item. I give to my beloved Wife Experience Ball, for term of life, One half of Whole Estate, and a Cow and a Horse besides. And after her Death I Do give and demise to my beloved Son Nathan Ball and his
Heirs and Assigns for ever, all that I give to my beloved Wife for the Term of Her Life. Also I Do give and demise (at the Time of my Decease) to my beloved Son Nathan Ball and his Heirs and Assigns forever all the rest of my Estate. He paying in Two
Years after my Decease to my beloved Daughter Abagail Fiffe the Sum of Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and four Pence Lawfull Money as her full Portion. And also he must pay in Two Years after my Dec[e]ase to my beloved Grand Children Joseph Houghton
Benjamin Houghton Moly Houghton Abagail Houghton and Betty Houghton the Sum of Eight Pounds lawfull Money to be Divided equally Amongst them as their full Portion[.] And by these Presents I Do Ordain that Nathan my Son Shall be Sole Executor of this my
Last Will and Testament. And I Do By these Presents Disal[l]ow all other Wills Dated before this in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this third Day of September in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six.
Thomas Ball
Thomas Pollard Abijah Pollard [--]uel Stearns
Analysis of Thomas Ball's Will
This was the will of the Thomas Ball who married Experience (Joslin) Snow, widow of Ebenezer Snow, at Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 11 Jul 1749. Thomas names two children, Nathan Ball and Abagail Fiffe, and five Houghton grandchildren,
suggesting a deceased daughter who married a Houghton, so Experience was not his 1st wife.
Analysis of each of these three children points to the same parents.
Nathan Ball appears to be the Nathan Ball who lived at Bolton and left a will there dated 21 May 1798, proved 19 Nov 1805. Though some have confused them, the Nathan Ball born to John and Mary (Clark) Ball at Watertown 27 Apr 1737 was too young to have
been the 1798 testator. Rather, this Nathan Ball appears to be the Nathan Ball born to Thomas and Abigail Ball at Concord 20 Jul 1720.
Abagail Fiffe was Abigail (Ball) (Goss) Fife, the wife of William Fife, and widow of John Goss. Abigail and William declared their intentions to marry at Lancaster in Feb 1752. As Abigail Ball, she and John Goss declared their intentions to marry at
Lancaster 5 May 1744. The most likely Abigail Ball to have been this woman was the daughter of Thomas and Abigail Ball born at Concord 18 Nov 1721.
The five Houghton grandchildren are the five children of Benjamin and Mary Houghton of Bolton. They were born between 1743 and 1756 and named in Thomas' will in the order of their births, first males, then females. No record has been found of the
marriage of Benjamin Houghton and any Mary. Chronologically, the most likely Mary Ball to have been Benjamin Houghton's wife was the daughter of Thomas and Abigail Ball born at Concord 12 Apr 1724.
Clearly, this is clearly the will of Thomas Ball, the son of Nathaniel and Mary (Brooks) Ball.
Thomas was born to Nathaniel and Mary (Brooks) Ball at Concord, Mass. on 2 Feb 1693/4. No record has been found of his marriage to Abigail. Some believe she was Abigail Wheeler, daughter of John and Sarah (Stearns) Wheeler, but that Abigail would have
been unusually old.
Thomas and Abigail had the following children all born at Concord:
Abigail, born 18 Nov 1721, marr. 1st John Goss late May 1744 at Bolton, marr. 2nd William Fife aft. Feb 1752 (intentions date) at Lancaster, died 30 Apr 1790.
Mary, born 12 Apr 1724, marr. Benjamin Houghton c.1742 prob. at Bolton, died c.1758 when she and her husband appear to have stopped having children, and certainly before 3 Sep 1766, when her children were named as her father's heirs in his will.
Thomas, born 23 Feb 1725/6, died bef. 3 Sep 1766, apparently without heirs, when he was not named in his father's will. He did not serve in the American Revolution at Walpole, N.H.
Timothy, born 4 Oct 1728, died young bef. Sep 1733.
Nathan, born 20 Jul 1730, died bef. 19 Nov 1805 when his will was probated.
Timothy, born 28 Sep 1733, died bef. 3 Sep 1766, apparently without heirs, when he was not named in his father's will.
Thomas and Abigail removed to Bolton, Mass. bef. c.1742 when his daughter Mary probably married there, and certainly bef. May 1744 when his daughter Abigail married there. No record has been found of the death of his 1st wife, Abigail, but he married
Experience (Joslin) Snow, as his 2nd wife and her 2nd husband, at Marlborough, Mass. 11 Jul 1749, though the family continued to live at Bolton. He left a will dated 3 Sep 1766 at Bolton, and died about 1½ years later. He was not a soldier in the
Indian Wars, nor was he killed at Brookfield.
He as a soldier in the Indian Wars and was killed in Brookfield.
They resided in Concord

Married ‎± 1720 Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts (approximately 14 years married) to:

woman Abigail WHEELER‏‎, daughter of John WHEELER and Sarah STEARNS‏.
Born ‎29 Dec 1689 Concord, Worcester, Massachusetts, died ‎10 Jan 1754 Sudbury, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts‎, 64 years


woman Abigail BALL‏
Born ‎18 Nov 1721 Bolton, Worcester Co. Massachusetts, died ‎30 Apr 1790 Westborough, Worcester Co. Massachusetts‎, 68 years, buried ‎ Old Common Burial Grounds
woman Mary BALL‏
Born ‎12 Apr 1724 Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, died ‎23 Aug 1767 Hollis, Hillsbough Co., NH‎, 43 years
man Thomas BALL‏
Born ‎23 Feb 1725, died ‎20 Jul 1777 in the Revolutionary War Service‎, 52 years
Rev. soldier from Walpole, NH.
They resided in Brookfield and Rutland. He was a Revolutionary War soldier, at one time stationed at For , Charlestown. Besides other service, he was in the Continental Army at Saratoga.
woman Hannah BALL‏
Born ‎Aug 1727 Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, died ‎18 Aug 1811 Winchester, Cheshire Co., NH‎, 83 or 84 years, buried ‎ Evergreen Cemetery
man Timothy BALL‏‎
Born ‎4 Oct 1728 Concord, Middlesex Co., MA, died ‎4 Oct 1728 Concord, Middlesex Co., MA‎, under 1 year old
man Nathan BALL‏
Born ‎20 Jul 1730 Concord, Middlesex Co., MA, died ‎1804‎, 73 or 74 years
man Timothy BALL‏‎
Born ‎28 Sep 1733‎

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