BALL Family
man Mark BALL‏‎, son of Abraham BALL and Deliverance PERHAM‏.
Born ‎15 Apr 1806‎
They resided in Athens until after his death, when his widow moved
to Rochingham, Vermont.

Married ‎5 Oct 1842 to:

woman Elizabeth DEPUTREU‏‎
Born ‎± 1810 of Athens, Vermont‎


man Curtis M. BALL‏‎
Born ‎8 Jul 1843‎
Lived in Springfield, Vermont., where his house was reported
as being destroyed by fire in 1881. He was a soldier in the Civil War.
woman Martha Jane BALL‏
Born ‎10 Aug 1847‎
man Charles E. BALL‏‎
Born ‎17 Nov 1852‎
woman Clara B. BALL‏‎
Born ‎24 Oct 1858‎

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